Clean Creative launched!

Certainly because of the development in the market and society, there is an increasing need to create a good hygienic environment. The Clean Creative brand was created from this. Clean Creative has developed a number of products for this, such as a hand gel, cleaning spray, which is also in larger packaging for more business use.

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Hygiene in the workplace: clean hands in 6 steps

Good hand hygiene by means of hand soap or antibacterial hand gel is very important for everyone and even crucial in some industries. Consider, for example, the food industry, the operating theater, healthcare institutions and day care centers. Proper hand hygiene prevents the spread of bacteria and viruses. An important part of hygiene in the workplace. In this article you can read how to clean your hands (extra) well with our hand washing protocol.

Difference between antibacterial hand soap and disinfectant hand gel

Many people think that antibacterial hand soap and disinfectant hand gel have the same effect. Yet that is not entirely true. Time to put things in order:

  • Hand cleaning with antibacterial hand soap removes visible dirt and temporary flora on the hands. Hands are washed with water and liquid hand soap. However, permanent flora remains on the hands;
  • Hand disinfection with disinfecting hand gel means the reduction of temporary and permanent flora present on the hands. This type therefore removes all bacteria. However, to fight viruses, the gel must contain at least 70% alcohol. It is important to know that these gels do not clean your hands. If your hands are dirty, soap and water are still required.

How do you clean your hands the right way?

Can anyone wash their hands? After all, you do it every day. But if you really want to clean your hands, it is best to follow the steps below:

  1. Wash your hands under running water
  2. Rinse with lukewarm water (lukewarm water helps remove dirt)
  3. The use of soap prevents bacteria and viruses and removes dirt and grease.
  4. Choose the best type of soap depending on the work and the space you work in (i.e. for healthcare facilities, professional kitchens, industrial environments, public areas, etc.)
  5. Wash hands for at least 20 seconds
  6. Rub the soap all over the hand, including between the fingers, palm, cuticles and under the nails
  7. Rinse hands completely
  8. Dry your hands on a paper towel or use an electric hand dryer. The drier the hands, the less bacteria and viruses can survive
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